Pine Straw

Pine Straw Services Birmingham, AL

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Pine Straw Services Birmingham, AL

Completed Pine Straw Projects

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Sanders Lawn & Landscaping Co. provides pine straw installations in Birmingham and surrounding areas. We provide pine straw delivery only if the pine straw is installed by us.

A fresh laying of pine straw is a great way to enhance the beauty of your landscape. Before we start the install, we first make sure the beds are properly prepped by removing any weeds, leaves, or debris in the landscape area. Secondly, we spray the beds with one coat of protective weed killer to help ensure the bed(s) stay clear of any new weeds that may sprout in the future.

Benefits of Pine Straw

Pine straw mulch comes from a variety of pine tree species. Pine trees drop their needles, or straw, naturally, and these are raked up and baled for use as mulch without having to harm a single tree. This makes pine straw a renewable mulch source that is part of the natural cycle, as pine trees shed their needles every year.

Improves Soil

Pine mulch improves soil in several ways. It insulates plant roots from extreme temperatures and conserves soil moisture by reducing evaporation. Pine straw mulch prevents erosion by protecting the soil from wind and rain as the needles interlock and hold together under harsh conditions. By reducing the impact of rain on the surface of the soil, pine straw mulch also prevents soil compaction. If you have acid-loving plants like azaleas or roses, pine straw creates a chemically balanced soil to ensure that these plants thrive. Although there is little direct nutrient value in pine straw mulch, it does release organic matter as it breaks down that improves soil texture by encouraging beneficial micro-organisms and allowing air to infiltrate the soil.

Low Maintenance

Because it doesn’t float or wash out of beds as wood mulches tend to do, pine straw mulch keeps your walkways cleaner. It also breaks down slowly, so frequent reapplication or topping up is not needed. It remains loose and doesn’t form a crust on top as grass clippings or leaves tend to do. There is no need to mix, refresh or fluff pine straw mulch because it stays loose and friable.

Controls Weeds

A thick layer of pine straw mulch around your plants prevents the establishment of weeds. Wood mulches tend to create an ideal bed for weed seeds to germinate. Pine straw mulch allows the weed seeds to fall through, where they don’t take root.

Visual Appeal

Pine straw mulch has a fine texture and uniform color that is aesthetically pleasing in the landscape. It looks natural with most landscapes and provides a neutral backdrop that highlights your plants rather than demanding attention. Pine straw mulch also prevents mud and water from splashing up onto your plants, which keeps your gardens and beds looking fresh and clean.
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